Producent elementów montażowych i złącznych z aluminium i stali
Producent elementów montażowych i złącznych z aluminium i stali

Mounting and connecting elements for PV and construction

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About us

We are a company with many years of tradition and experience.

We make details from aluminum and steel, which are used in many industries. We process profiles of various forms and shapes in accordance with the customer's indication and applicable standards.

We package fasteners related to rubber, PVC-plastic details as well as screws, plates and springs into ready-to-use assembly sets.

Our values


Delivering products on time is our priority. We try to meet the agreed deadlines.


Each stage of order fulfillment is important to us, and the quality of operation and meeting the deadlines are our priorities.



We operate in innovative technologies, realizing the highest quality products


Our technical facilities allow us to produce the highest quality elements made with due precision.

We create innovative aluminum products

Aluminum has been inspiring designers, architects and engineers to innovate for many years. This material has endless possibilities to create exciting products that change the way we live - innovative and sustainable. With its unparalleled customization of shapes and forms, aluminum unleashes the creativity of both designers and engineers. Add to this the unique properties - lightness, corrosion resistance, strength and easy recycling, and it's no wonder that aluminum has become the material of choice for an increasing number of industries.

Whether you want to convert an existing steel part to high-quality aluminum or start from the drawing board, we have the design expertise and experience to create affordable, corrosion-resistant, durable and lightweight products.

Meeting and conversation is the first step on the way to the implementation of your project - let's take this step.

We are open to coming to you, but also invite you to visit us.

In a friendly atmosphere of Aludetal, we will discuss the details of your projects.

See how simple it is!

  • 01 Determining the demand
  • 02 Meeting
  • 03 Execution of the contract

Direction Map

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